Snow-Bobs are a very unique breed of cat which, in fact, include certain colors of existing breeds. Snow-Bobs are cats which exhibit the Snow or Colorpoint gene in it's several forms. The colors may be modifications of any color in the Snow (or Colorpoint) color spectrum, in the Sepia color spectrum, or the Mink color spectrum. The Snow or Colorpoint color is most well known in Siamese and Himalayan cats. The Mink color is the popular color of Tonkinese cats, and the Sepia color is most commonly displayed in Burmese cats.
While all color patterns are accepted, solid points are the least desirable. The preferred patterns are leopard (spotted) and clouded leopard (marble) patterns. Snow-Bobs may come from several already existing breeds which have their heritage or foundation in feral/domestic crosses. These include American Bobtails, American Lynx, Bengals, Chausies, Desert Lynx, Highland Lynx, Pixiebobs, and Savannahs.
They may come in either short or long hair, have either a short or long tail, have straight or curled ears, and may be polydactyl. Short tails are preferred. In traditional snow, mink, or sepia cats, one of the goals has been to create obviously darker markings on the legs, head, and tail, and have lighter markings on the body. However, the Snow-Bob breed strives to create striking markings on both the extremeties and the body of the cats, with as little contrast between the body and extremeties as possible.
Eye color is blue in the snows, aqua in the minks, and green or gold in the sepia colors.
The leopard pattern is a spotted tabby pattern. It is marked by spots of the darker color, most prominent on the sides of the body and the belly. The spots may vary in size and shape, but should be evenly distributed. Preference is given to rosette spots which are formed by a part-circle of spots around a distinctly lighter center. Contrast with ground color may not be as distinct as in some spotted breeds . A dorsal stripe runs the length of the body to the tip of the tail. The stripe is ideally composed of spots. The markings on the face and forehead are typical tabby markings, with the underside of the body having distinct spots. Legs and tail are barred. In the shorthairs, it is desirable for ghost leopard spots to appear on the bodies.
The clouded leopard pattern, while derived from modifications to the classic tabby gene, is different from the classic tabby pattern, with as little bull's eye similarities possible. The pattern gives the impression of marble, preferably with a horizontal flow. Vertical stripes are undesirable. Contrast should be good, with distinct shapes and sharp edges. The belly should be spotted.
Cats from the above-listed breeds which display the snow, mink, or sepia colors may be registered as Snow-Bobs. Additionally, cats from these breeds may be outcrossed to other cats which are snow, mink, or sepia in color. Due to the recessive nature of these color genes, full color cats will never be produced when breeding snow, mink, or sepia cats together. Snow, sepia, or mink kittens produced from full-color cats of the outlined breeds may be registered as Snow-Bobs. In order for Snow-Bobs to have stud book status in the registry, they must be snow, sepia, or mink in color. Kittens produced from Snow-Bobs bred to full color cats may be registered as Snow-bobs if they are snow, sepia, or mink in color. Full color kittens who meet full registration guidelines for another breed will be registered as stud book cats of that breed. If full color kittens do not meet full registration guidelines for another breed, they will be registered as foundation cats for that breed. Only cats which are snow, mink, or sepia will be registered as Snow-Bobs.
Snow-Bob cats will be assigned registration codes indicating tail length (short
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Snow-bob Information
Posted by Freedom at 10:51 AM